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Data security and data management code
The present Code aims to provide the data security and data management principles applied by Benergo Ergonomics Kft. and the Company’s data security and data management policy. According to the legal framework, Benergo Ergonomics Kft. can engage in package delivery activities. The aim of the present Code is to ensure that the rights of all individuals, their basic rights of freedom, especially the right to privacy will be respected regardless of nationality or place of residence when personal data is being electronically processed (data security) in all areas of the services provided by the Provider.
2. Name of the data managerName: Benergo Ergonomics Kft.
Company seat and mailing address: 6764 Hungary Balástya Tanya 117/B
Telephone number: +36 70 / 339-8676
Email address:
3.1. During the course of registration and/or order, the User is required to provide the following personal data: their own email address, invoicing address (invoicing name, name of contact person, street name, house number, municipality, postal code), delivery address (delivery name, street name, house number, municipality, postal code), phone number
3.2. Data technically registered during the system’s operation: the data of the computer the user logged on from which were generated during the use of the service and are automatically registered as a result of the data manager’s system’s technical processes. Automatically registered data is registered upon logging on and logging off without any separate statement or action from the user. These data cannot be connected to other personal user data except for cases where this is mandated by law. The data is accessible only to the data manager.
3.3. During visits to the website, we will send one or more Cookies, that is, a small file or files containing a series of characters, to the visitor’s computer, through which their browser will be uniquely identifiable. These Cookies are provided by Google and are utilized via the Google Analytics system. These Cookies are sent to the visitor’s computer in the case that they visit certain sub-pages, that is, we only store the fact of the sub-page being visited and the duration of the visit and no other information. The aim of the use of these Cookies is to track traffic on our sites. The user can disable Cookies in their own browser.
The applied cookies:
- Analytics, following cookies
- Following via website
- Login, user identification session cookie
4. Legal grounds of data management, its aim, and method
4.1. Data management takes place based on the voluntary statement of the users of the content of (hereinafter: ‘the Website’) made after being properly informed, this statement contains the users’ explicit consent to management of their personal data that they have provided during the course of their use of the website. The grounds for management of the data is, according to point a) of the Act CXII of tv. (Infotv.) 5.§ (1) on the right of informational self-determination and the freedom of information, is the voluntary consent of the person concerned. The User gives consent to the different forms of data management by using the Website, registration and by voluntarily providing the data in question.
4.2. The aim of data management is to ensure that the services available on the Website are provided. The Provider stores the data made available to them by the user only as regards a specific aim, solely to perform the order and in order to later have proof of the conditions of any possible contracts that should be concluded.
4.3. The aim of automatically registered data is to draw up statistics, the technical development of the IT system and the protection of users’ rights.
4.4. The data manager does not and may not use the provided personal data for aims other than the ones specified in these points. Transferring the personal data provided to third parties other than the courier service carrying out the current delivery or to authorities, unless the law mandates otherwise, is only possible with the user’s prior, explicit consent.
4.5. The data manager does not verify the personal data provided to them. The person providing the data is solely responsible for the veracity of the data they have provided. When the User provides an email address, they are undertaking the liability that only they are using the service. Taking into account this liability, all liability in connection with logging in with a given email address is assumed exclusively by the user who registered the email address.
5. Duration of data management5.1. Management of personal data mandatorily provided upon registration begins with registration and ends when the registration is deleted. In the case of non-mandatory data, management begins with its provision and ends when the data is deleted. The User or the Provider may delete the registration in any case and at any time provided in the General Contractual Conditions (hereinafter: ‘GCC’).
5.2. The system stores registered data for six months from the time of registration, except for the date the last of visit, which is automatically overwritten.
5.3. The regulations above do not affect the fulfillment of the storage obligations specified by law (eg.: legal regulation regarding accounting) or the data management on the website during the course of registration or management based on consent provided in other ways.
6. The scope of the persons to gain knowledge of the data, transmit it and process it6.1. The Provider, the Provider’s internal employees and the courier carrying out the given order are the persons foremost authorized to gain knowledge of the data, however, they do not make the data public and/or transfer it to third parties.
6.2. The Provider may hire a data processor in order to operate the IT system, carry out the orders as well as for accounting purposes (eg.: system operator, freight service company, accountant). The Provider is not responsible for the data management practices of these external persons. Names of the data processors: Company name / Address / Activity
Angéla Simonné Nagy / Independent Contractor / Accounting
MINIART BT / 6500 Baja, Fülep Lajos u. 55, Hungary / Web development, system administration
GLS Hungary Kft / 2351 Alsónémedi GLS Európa u. 2, Hungary / Courier service
Zoltán Krasznai / order processing, customer service
6.3. Beyond the cases specified above, transfer of the User’s personal data may only occur in cases when it is mandated by law or based on the User’s consent.
7. User rights and possibilities for Users to enforce their rights7.1. The User is entitled to request information at any time about the personal data applying to them managed by the Provider, furthermore, they may modify this data at any time in the ways determined in the GCC. The User is furthermore entitled to request that their data is deleted via the contact information provided in this point.
7.2. The Provider provides the User information upon request about the data applying to the User managed by the Provider, about the aim of data management, its legal grounds, duration and furthermore about who receives or may receive the user’s data and to what aim. The Provider gives the requested information in writing within 30 days after having received the request.
7.3. The person concerned may enforce their rights via the following contact information. Mailing address: Benergo Ergonomics Kft
6764 Balástya Tanya 117/B Hungary
Telephone number: +36 70 / 339-8676
Email address:
The Client may reach out to the Provider’s employee via the contact information specified in point 7.3 with any questions or remarks they may have.
7.4. The User is entitled to request the correction or the deletion of their erroneously registered data at any time. The User may correct certain data themselves on the Website; in other cases, the Provider deletes the data within 3 business days of receiving the request, in this case, the data can not be retrieved after deletion. Deletion does not apply to data management determined to be necessary by law (eg: accounting policies), these will be stored by the Provider for the necessary duration.
7.5. The User, based on Infotv. (The Information Act) and Act IV of 1959 of the Civil Code, may exercise their rights before the court or turn to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH) (1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C) with their complaints regarding the data management practices of the data manager.
7.6. If the User provides the data of a third person when registering in order to use the service or causes any sort of damage while using the Website, the Provider is entitled to claim damages from the User. In these cases, the Provider gives the authorities all the help they are able to in order to identify the person acting unlawfully.
8. Use of email addresses8.1. The Provider pays special attention that the email addresses they manage are used lawfully, thus, they use them only in the following ways (information or advertisement purposes):
8.2. Management of the email addresses foremost serves the purposes of identifying the User, carrying out the orders, maintaining contact while the service is being used, thus emails are sent foremost to these aims.
8.3. In case of changes to the Provider’s services or to the GCC as well as to provide information on the Provider’s similar services, the Provider may in certain cases inform the persons concerned via email. It is not possible to unsubscribe from such a “notification list,” however, the service provider does not use these notifications for advertisement purposes.
8.4. The Provider only sends advertisement material or newsletters to the email address provided by the User upon registration with the explicit consent of the User in the cases and with the methods that are in accordance with legal regulations. The User may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time with the link provided at the bottom of the newsletter.
9. Other provisions9.1. The Provider’s system may collect data on the users' activities, this data cannot be connected to other data provided by the user during registration or with data generated when they use other websites and/or services.
9.2. In all cases when the Provider wishes to use the data provided by the User for purposes other than that of the original registration of the data, they must inform the User and obtain their prior explicit consent and ensure the User the opportunity refuse this use of their data.
9.3. The Provider undertakes the obligation to see to the security of the data and furthermore to take the technical measures which ensure that the recorded, stored and managed data is secure as well as to do everything in their power to prevent them from being destroyed, prevent their unauthorized use or unauthorized alteration. The Provider furthermore undertakes the obligation to notify any third parties to whom they may transfer the data of these obligations that the third party must also fulfill.
9.4. The Provider reserves the right to unilaterally amend the present Code without priorly notifying the User. After the amendment comes into effect, the User, by using the service accepts the contents of the amended Code by conduct.
10. Cookie regulationsThe use of Cookies is necessary in order for us to be able to improve our website’s services with the help of our visitors. Some of the Cookies we use are essential to the operation of certain services and some collect information and statistics about the use of our website and thus create a more comfortable browsing experience. Some Cookies work temporarily and disappear after the browser is closed, but there are some permanent ones among them as well which are stored on your computer. Some Cookies are parts of a certain campaign and are present on the website only for the duration of the campaign. Some Cookies are necessary for the operation of the website and some improve performance and user experience.
The Cookies’ aim is to improve the quality of service in the following ways:
- Some special services, for example, payment authorization, would not work without Cookies.
- By authorizing services which recognize the device used for browsing, which means that visitors do not need to provide the same information several times during one task.
- They recognize when a visitor has already provided a username and a password and when they log onto the website they do not need to repeat the process during further browsing.
- They measure how many people are using the services in order to make their use simpler and so the necessary capacity for their quick use can be provided.
- They analyze data in order to help us understand how people use online services so that we can develop these.
If the Client chooses to disable Cookies during their visit, they should know that most of the functions and the page itself will not function as expected. If the Client wishes to delete some of the Cookies already on their computer, they can click on the browser’s Help menu point and follow the browser’s instructions. If you wish to know more about Cookies, how to delete them and how to manage them, see

Die Website verwendet Cookies. Durch die weitere Nutzung dieser Website stimmen Sie der Verwendung dieser Cookies zu.
- Wenn du dich für eine Auswahl entscheidest, wird die Seite komplett aktualisiert.